At Pilates Lane, we are a passionate group of highly skilled and enthusiastic teachers

We aim to support you through your movement journey and build a long-term relationship with movement.


Strong, Stretchy, Spicy

  • When you're not working in the studio, what are you up to?

    Looking after our four beautiful boys including our little newborn. Taking our 3 older boys to all their sports Rugby League, Basketball, Oztag its busy and fun! I love all sports and our family being active!

    Always trying to steal pockets of time away to get in my 4-5 Pilates classes at Pilates Lane each week & a Yoga if I am lucky because Self Care is life —You can’t pour from an empty cup!

    Coffee/tea order you can't go without?

    Almond Cappuccino Absolute Favourite! And not too hot, its creamier this way and not as bitter. I can thank Mumlife for my discovery of loving a warm/cold coffee.

    What's your favourite thing about movement?

    Feeling Strong in your body flows onto all elements of your life. Strong body, Strong mind! Find a mode of movement that's good for your body & you love and do that all the time…. your body will thank you for it!


  • Fave season and why?

    Summer! Sunshine, swimming & adventure season!!

    If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

    Anywhere along the Italian coast

    What’s your favourite thing about movement?

    What I love the most about movement is that it helps us to move emotions through our body. It also improves our strength, balance, flexibility and mobility. Movement makes you feel good inside and out. It makes me feel alive.

Grounding, Energetic, Connected


Playful, Fearless, Spicy

  • Clinical Pilates Teacher

    When not teaching, what are you up to?

    I practice Pilates, I, forever am a student of this craft. And cooking/food… previous career as a Chef, so it seems part of my DNA.

    If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

    So many places still to explore, always up for an adventure though!

    What's your favourite thing about movement?

    The benefit it provides to mental health, strong body, better sleep. Hmmm... with me it’s never about just one thing.


Classical, Core, Control

  • Clinical Pilates Teacher

    Fave season and why?

    Summer — I love all the activities that are available in Summer, plus the long beautiful days. Those 4.30am wake ups for Pilates are also much easier in the warmer months

    Do you have a hidden talent?

    Does dancing count? Not super hidden. Ooh I can crack a whip - used to be Cat Woman at Movie World

    What's your favourite thing about movement?

    It’s all about how you feel. Movement makes you feel good and you pass those good vibes on to everyone around you. It’s a ripple effect of good energy.


Invigorating, Flow, Fierce

  • Clinical Pilates Teacher

    Coffee/tea order you can’t go without?

    Coffee always - make it a double shot & it better be good.

    If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

    ANYWHERE! Travelling is the best thing in the world it enriches the soul and fills you with memories that last forever

    What's your favourite thing about movement?

    Movement is your key to life - move it or loose it! How incredible does it feel to move your body, test its ability, discover new movement, hit those goals. Find the thing that makes you feel good, do that, and love how you feel mentally and physically each and everyday.


Energetic, Modern, Dynamic

  • Fave season and why?

    Without a doubt Summer. I love how vibrant and alive summer makes everyone look and feel!

    If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

    Greece. To live out my Mamma Mia dream!

    What's your favourite thing about movement?

    Movement offers a multitude of benefits beyond physical activity. It helps prevent injuries, boosts performance, enriches mental well-being, fosters meaningful connections, builds confidence and soars beyond our expectations. Witnessing the smiles on clients' faces lets me know they have achieved one of those benefits and that's why I love being an advocate for movement.


Dynamic, Fun, Flow

  • Coffee/tea order you can’t go without?

    Cannot teach without Small Almond cappuccino.

    If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

    South America

    What’s your favorite thing about movement?

    The endorphins it provides you with to improve all over health, both physical and mental.


  • Coffee order you can’t go without?

    Double shot long black - 1 ice cube

    When you’re not teaching, what are you up to?

    Swimming, running & cycling. I have a love-hate relationship with swimming and love-love relationship with running and cycling

    What’s your favourite thing about movement?

    It's really quite hard to put into words... It has the power to change your physical structure and ability, mental capacity and emotional world.

    For me, it empowers me in all areas of my life. From the age of 16 the movement I have leaned into has been varying but it has always supported my mental health and ability to move through the world with more ease, grace and confidence in who I am as a person. I endeavour to share all of those with benefits with each person I teach. I enjoy knowledge and tools to help people become more of who they would like to be, it truly brings me joy to see determination, dedication and progress in others

Effective, Challenging, Unrelenting


Dynamic, Engaging, Uplifting

  • Coffee or Tea, order you can’t go without?


    When not teaching, what are you up to?

    Mum of a beautiful one year old daughter Maisy, and one gorgeous English Bulldog Boston. And a qualified beautician specialising in lash and brow enhancements

    What’s your favourite thing about movement?

    Movement has an incredible way of clearing the head, boosting your energy and improving your mood. I love seeing how the smallest movements can create a huge shift in how we feel physically and mentally.


Strong, Adaptable, Kind

  • Coffee/tea order you can’t go without?


    When you’re not teaching, what are you up to?

    Strength and Conditioning coach for Teams and Athletes.

    What’s your favourite thing about movement?

    If you don't move it you'll lose it, all bodies at any age can and should be exercising at some level, you can find an exercise class at Pilates Lane that will suit your abilities.